AP resources
For video and podcast recording in a home studio.
Music & Sound Effects
For podcast and video soundscaping.
- Syrinscape, ambient music and sound effects, monthly sub or a la carte
- Monument studios, fantasy and horror music, a la carte
- White Bat Audio, retro synthwave horror and sci-fi music, FREE
- Free Music Archive, mishmash of ambient music (and other types), FREE
- Pixebay, free music, images, video and sound effects
Video Stock Footage & SFX
For trailers, intro videos, or video post-production.
- Footage Crate, special fx and sound fx, many are free (or pay for premium)
- Pixabay, tons of free stock footage
- Pexels, tons of free stock footage
- YouTube -- seach for "royalty free" and "copyright free" footage to discover freely shared video
Public domain art
For overlays and publicity material.
If you have suggestions for resources to add, please email allmyfriendsarestories@gmail.com